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Latin Clown’s Evolution 2023


Latin Clown’s Evolution marked a vibrant confluence of creativity and talent in the realm of balloon entertainment. A convention specially curated for balloon entertainers, it presented an exciting platform to explore various aspects of the industry, such as face painting, clowning, and of course, enchanting with balloons. Gemar balloons seamlessly fit into this colorful tapestry, adding a distinct charm to the event. It was a privilege for us at Gemar USA to host twisting classes led by the talented Leonardo Carmona, and decorating classes led by our own Gemar Talent, Leslie Hicks. These sessions epitomized the creative potential that lies at the heart of balloon entertainment. The dedication and passion displayed by all those who attended the event reaffirmed our belief in the promising future of this industry. We at Gemar USA are proud to support such events and the incredible individuals who make them possible, confirming that the future of entertainment is indeed in great hands.

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