Our Labelling

Go Green. Lifting the moment, Loving the planet
At Gemar, we’re passionate about lifting the moment and creating memories that last, spreading the joy of balloons around the world as we work with our partners and customers. Balloons are loved by everyone, a symbol for fun, love and happiness without the need for words. The simple sight of a balloon brings joy to people of all ages, and we firmly believe that we can spread that joy in an environmentally friendly, sustainable and ethical way.
We are very proud to say that we have always used caoutchouc natural rubber to manufacture Gemar balloons. Caoutchouc, a milky sap harvested from the Hevea Brasiliensis rubber tree in the same way that maple syrup is tapped from maple trees, is a natural and renewable material ethically sourced and 100% biobased.

The UL Environmental Claim Validation (ECV) badge validates that Gemar balloons contain 100% biobased content through testing.
Biobased content refers to materials that are derived from biomass resources. The results have been certificed by UL according to ASTM D6866 AMS (Method B).
Reusable ZIP Bags
We now supply many of our balloons in zip bags. Just re-seal the bag and use it to store left over balloons and other items. Please reuse our zip bags as many times as you can and when they eventually reach the end of their useful life dispose of them according to your local guidelines.

Environmental labelling. Recycling instructions in Italy
All Gemar packaging is reusable or recyclable according to standard UNI EN ISO 13430. This means that efficient recycling technology already exists for the materials in our packaging, the quantity of material has reached a critical mass that makes the recycling process efficient and there is a market for the recycled product.
Our plastic bags are made from either polypropylene PP5 which is fully recyclable or a mix of polymers.
Gemar paper packaging is mostly made from recycled fibres and can be recycled again with your household collection. Please empty all packaging, separate the paper from the plastic bags and reduce the volume before recycling them according to local guidelines.
For more information about the environmental labelling and how waste is managed in Italy please check here.
Triman. Recycling instructions in France
The Triman logo is a symbol used in France, to communicate the recyclability of a product. All products with the Triman logo should be recycled and are subject to extended producer responsibility. If a product in France does not have a Triman label it can be disposed of in general household waste.
The Triman symbol has three elements. The human silhouette represents the consumer, three arrows symbolise sorting to allow for better waste management and the circular background represents recycling.
Each label has further symbols, showing the different elements of our packaging. After emptying the packaging, please separate the components as shown, reduce their volume where possible and dispose of everything with your household recycling.

100% FSC®-certified (C155424)
This is to certify that our company is certified FSC Chain of Custody We can supply 100% FSC®-certified balloons from well-managed forests (FSC® C155424) upon request. Click here to find out why it is so important to protect tropical forests.
Certified product
All Gemar® products undergo rigorous testing to ensure they don’t just meet regulatory safety standards but also the high standards we set for ourselves.

Made in Italy
Our products are exclusively made in Italy. We take great pride in our Italian heritage and support the local community in Casalvieri where our manufacturing takes place.
FSC mix certified packaging (C155424)
This indicates that Gemar is certified FSC Chain of Custody. We can supply FSC®-certified MIX credit packaging (FSC® C155424) upon request. Click here to find out why it is so important to protect tropical forests.

Don’t let go
This symbol represents Gemar’s stance on balloon releases.
Our motto is ‘Don’t let go’ and we encourage you to hold on to your balloons, using weights or tying them securely where necessary to prevent them from floating away. Balloon releases cause litter and we are always working towards protecting the environment in every way possible. All balloons should be popped after use and disposed of in household rubbish, along with any accessories according to your local waste management guidelines. In Italy balloons have to be binned in the generic waste (INDIFFERENZIATO).
Use a pump
When you see these symbols by Gemar® products we ask you to use a certified balloon pump to inflate them, for your own safety.
Using a pump removes the risk of injury caused by a balloon bursting close to your eyes and face.

Natural rubber latex
This symbol indicates that the product is made using naturally and ethically sourced latex.
Please be aware of the symptoms of latex allergy and seek medical help if necessary, do not use the product if you have a known latex allergy.
EU conformity mark
This symbol can only be found on products that meet EEA (European Economic Area) standards for health, safety and environmental protection.
All Gemar products carry this certification.

UK conformity mark
This is the UKCA mark and shows that our products conform to the safety requirements of the United Kingdom.
Eurasian conformity mark
This is the Eurasian Conformity Mark.
It indicates that products meet all the technical regulations and have passed the assessments needed by the Eurasian Customs Union to ensure their safety standards are met.

Ukrainian conformity mark
This symbol shows that our products meet all the safety requirements needed in Ukraine.
Gulf states conformity mark
This is the GSO mark and shows that our products conform to the safety requirements of the Gulf States.

Age recommendation
Although balloons bring joy to many children, those under 8 years old should be supervised by an adult. Children can choke on broken balloons, or while attempting to inflate them.
Product certificate
SGS-TÜV Saar certification is a guarantee of consistently high quality.
Inspections ensure that materials, components and end products are all of proven quality and regularly monitored.
Our products are certified as having a high degree of safety all along the value-added chain.

Storage instructions
As our balloons are made from natural latex they must be stored correctly to make sure that they reach the customer in the same premium quality condition that they were when they left us.
Balloons should always be stored in a dry place, away from direct sunlight and at a temperature between 5 and 25C.